Introducing New Categories & New Series: Storytelling to 'Shake the Earth,' Summon Justice
New blog categories will feature stories about my journey through hospital & other abuses & also SA, CSA & DV stories from around the globe.
Speaking truth to power, and owning the power of narrative to break the bonds of injustice.
New blog categories will feature stories about my journey through hospital & other abuses & also SA, CSA & DV stories from around the globe.
There are inadequate words for what I've been going through, so I'll save the details for future posts. Know I'm fighting through it in...
My lawyer called today to tell me that we won our case to restore my pancreatic medication. The judge, in part, used the feds' own...
I am preoccupied, to say the least, preparing for two blog series related to the corruption that egregiously impacted my health and life...
I did not want a (new) cause. Loud and bombastic is not energy in my bandwidth but I feel forced to summon it anyway. I wanted to...
If Type A is how you roll, like I often like to, pancreatic pain will burn you from inside out, in more ways than one. You have to learn...
I have been listening to Hozier's "Take Me to Church," which is still popular but not a new song. It is a powerful commentary on...
I wrote this poem months ago, feeling lost, unseen, breaking under the weight of an impossible archetype that regarded not my own humanity.
Today, and for the last few days, I've been fighting unmitigated pancreatic pain because the feds decided part of my pancreatic pain...